• Forum

    We advance dialogue,

    to unlock solutions.

  • Forum

    In a complex, interconnected world, the defining risks and opportunities of our time require a multi-stakeholder approach. Dialogue with key stakeholders in industry, government, and civil society can unlock sustainability solutions that benefit the insurance sector, its policyholders, the economy, our environment and society.  

  • Climate Change

    Breaking down the science, impacts, interconnected risk landscape, decarbonization pathways, adaptation and resilience needs, and the role for both public and private risk transfer and finance.

    Buildings and Infrastructure

    Sizing up the scale of transformation needed and realistic pathways - from sustainable and net-zero real estate to the clean energy transition, future of mobility, challenges of urbanization, and beyond.

    Natural Capital

    Rethinking the concept of environmental accounting - from cost and mitigation, to capital and regeneration. A paradigm shift for communities, businesses, insurance and finance..

    Smarter Recovery

    Tackling the 100+ billion dollar a year question - how can policymakers, the insurance sector and its stakeholders translate Nat Cat losses, say nothing of routine claims, into smart sustainability and resiliency investments?

    Insuring Better Health

    Creating a modern ecosystem around insurance and health care - focusing on patients, providers, wellness, medical science and technology, public health and underlying environmental, social and economic factors.

    The Role for Government

    Central to nearly every sustainability issue is the role of government - and the need for dialogue on pragmatic policymaking to incentivize solutions, create certainty and avoid regulatory overload.

  • What we Do

    Associations & Coalitions

    We support existing (and where necessary, initiate new) trades, councils and coalitions that bridge gaps between the insurance sector and public/private stakeholders.


    Events and Media

    We coordinate dialogue - in person, online and through media work - to shape the narrative on how the insurance sector can address sustainability risks and opportunities.

    Expert Mediation

    We help insurers identify where expert mediated dialogue can reduce complexity/uncertainty, tackle sensitive issues and yield positive outcomes for all stakeholders.

  • Contact us to explore how we can help you.

  • Images via Unsplash: Evangeline Shaw, NASA, Andrea Gueckelhorn, Marc Szeglat, JC Gellidon, Adam Michael Szuscik